Date- 12-13 February 2016
Paper Submission Deadline- <Click>
Welcome to the website of Tokyo International Conference for Advanced Research in Business. The international gathering will bring together international researchers, practitioners, and scholars to share, exchange, communicate and present research findings and new ideas in diverse areas such as Business, Accounting, Finance, Economics, Banking, Management, Marketing, Information Systems, and Information Technology. This International Conference is sponsored by Advanced Research in Business that leads to building worldwide research cooperation for the advancement of knowledge.
Research Tracks
All research areas in Business, Accounting, Finance, Economics, Banking, Management, Marketing, Information Systems, and Information Technology are invited. Papers from cross disciplinary research are also welcome. For other areas and a detailed list click Research Fields.
Paper Submission and Review Process
Please email your papers to
Refer to submission guidelines before submitting paper. Click on Submission.
Papers will be reviewed by an International panel of reviewers to decide on the quality, originality, and relevance for publishing in the conference. All papers will undergo a blind review process and authors will be notified of review outcome within 2-4 weeks from the date of receiving the paper.
The cover page includes title of the paper, followed by author/s name, affiliation, address, phone, and an email of each author. Conference attendees are invited to participate as session chairs for a particular track, serve as a discussant of a paper, for which they will be commended with a Certificate of Service. Participants can contribute as paper reviewers of the program committee. You are welcome to attend the conference, even if you don't have a paper.
International Conference Proceedings and International Journal Paper publications opportunities and best paper award
All accepted papers will be published in the refereed conference proceedings on the website. High quality papers will be provided an opportunity for publication in the international refereed journals such as- International Journal of Advanced Research in Business, International Journal of Advanced Research in Accounting and Finance, International Journal of Advanced Research in Accounting Finance and Economics, International Journal of Advanced Research in Information Systems, International Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences, and International Journal of Advanced Research in Management.
Papers selected and recommended by panel for improvement may also be included in book chapters subject to compliance to review report, editorial comments, conference feedback and payment of applicable publication fees. Best paper award will be announced from a block of 15 papers in each track and will be published in any of the above journals and a certificate will be issued to the author.
Benefits from attending the Tokyo International Conference for Advanced Research in Business
There are many benefits from attending the conference. Participants get to publish their papers in the conference proceedings and an opportunity to publish in any of the International Journals such as- International Journal of Advanced Research in Business, International Journal of Advanced Research in Accounting and Finance, International Journal of Advanced Research in Accounting Finance and Economics, International Journal of Advanced Research in Information Systems, International Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences, and International Journal of Advanced Research in Management.
Journal publication is a fast track process and gives the author/s the advantage of turning conference paper into an International Journal paper publication in less than seven months.
Best paper awards will be presented to authors from a block of 15 papers in each track and will be published in any of the above mentioned International Journals and a certificate will be issued at the conference dinner as well as membership of Advanced Research in Business allowing discounts on future conferences.
Certificates for all registered authors presenting at the conference, certificate for paper reviewers, session chairs, discussants, and committee members.
Coffee tea snacks including lunch and Conference Dinner (optional). Papers can be presented in proxy or by a nominee for those who cannot attend the conference.
Doctoral Symposium
There will be a 'Doctoral Symposium' (subject to attendance) which will be a very useful for Ph.D. and other high degree research students to discuss and receive feedback about their Doctoral thesis. Senior Research Scholars and Faculties who are thesis examiners will give valuable insights with helpful tips and hints.
PAPER SUBMISSION Please send either abstract and/or full papers to:
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